
Coaching and Workshops

The British Rowing Education & Training Programme covers a broad range of rowing skills, including:

  • Coaching

  • Skills (e.g. rigging)

  • Clean Sport

  • Safeguarding

  • Club Development

  • Safety

  • Indoor Rowing

  • Umpiring

For more information on any of the above click here

Need coaching training?

In the region we organise various types of British Rowing accredited courses. These courses require a minimum number of people in order to go ahead.

For the full list of coaching courses click the link below.

The two most popular coaching courses for clubs offered by British Rowing are:

Do you want to support your club by coaching occasional sessions or running learn to row courses?

Are you looking to become a rowing coach, to develop rowers and provide a rewarding experience of the sport?


Find a course

For the full list of courses available click the link below.