

Info on funding available within the region for clubs and individuals

What can WMRRC funding grants be used for?

  • British Rowing Coaching Courses

  • Individual talent pathway progression

  • Umpiring

  • Club Development

  • Regional Workshops

  • Regional equipment

What are the rules?

  • All grants are discretionary & subject to funds being available

  • Applicants must be members of British Rowing and a West Midlands Rowing Club

  • The grant for courses is one third of the course cost, up to a maximum of £250

  • Your club must agree to match a further third of the course cost

  • Grants are paid to the applicant's club on successful completion of the course

How to apply

Your grant application must be sent to us at least 28 days before the course start-date.

We cannot accept applications received after the course has begun or has been completed.

Your application will be discussed at the next available WMRRC meeting and you will be notified of the decision soon after.

Any more info

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