

Info on safety as a whole in the region and dates for audit returns.

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Safety is everyone's business

Please report all incidents via the link below, whether near misses or accidents involving damage or injury. This is a no fault information collection process and the details that you provide will be passed to the National Safety Committee for statistical purposes and also to help us help you to try and learn about better and safer practice.

Ideally, reports should be submitted within 24hrs whilst the details are still fresh and if the incident involves more than one club or crew, reports should be made by each to establish a balanced view of what has actually happened.

By far the biggest cause of incidents in the past year has been poor lookout and a failure to appreciate who-else is on the water and how close they are. A look around every 4 – 5 strokes can reduce this incident level substantially.

What next?

British Rowing

British Rowing